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Laser Body Contouring

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Abdominal lipo suction and Fat Transfer


Abdominal liposuction and Fat Transfer using the Beautiful machine is an advanced cosmetic procedure designed to contour and sculpt the abdomen by removing excess fat deposits and enhancing volume in desired areas. This innovative procedure combines the precision of liposuction with the natural-looking results of fat transfer, allowing patients to achieve a more sculpted and defined abdominal appearance with minimal downtime and optimal safety.



  1. Abdominal Liposuction: Abdominal liposuction involves the removal of stubborn fat deposits from the abdomen using a specialized suction device called a cannula. The surgeon makes small incisions in the targeted area and inserts the cannula to break up and suction out the excess fat, resulting in a slimmer and more contoured abdominal profile.
  2. Fat Transfer: Fat transfer, also known as fat grafting or fat injection, involves harvesting fat cells from one area of the body (typically the abdomen or thighs) through liposuction and transferring them to another area that requires additional volume or enhancement. In the case of abdominal liposuction and Fat Transfer, the harvested fat cells can be injected into areas such as the buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift) or breasts to enhance their shape and volume.


  1. Improved Body Contour: Abdominal liposuction and Fat Transfer using the Beautiful machine can help improve body contour by removing excess fat from the abdomen and enhancing volume in desired areas. This results in a more sculpted and proportionate physique and smoother and more defined abdominal contours.
  2. Natural-Looking Results: Fat Transfer allows for the augmentation of other body areas using the patient’s fat cells, resulting in a more natural-looking enhancement than synthetic implants or fillers. Using the patient’s own tissue minimizes the risk of rejection or adverse reactions, and the results are long-lasting and seamlessly integrated with the surrounding tissues.
  3. Minimal Downtime: The Beautiful machine utilizes advanced liposuction techniques that minimize trauma to the surrounding tissues, resulting in faster recovery times and minimal downtime for patients. Most patients can return to normal activities within a few days to a week after the procedure, with full results becoming apparent over the following weeks as swelling resolves and the body adjusts to its new contours.
  4. Customized Treatment: Abdominal liposuction and Fat Transfer using the Beautiful machine can be customized to meet each patient’s needs and aesthetic goals. Whether targeting stubborn fat deposits in the abdomen or enhancing volume in other body areas, the procedure can be tailored to achieve the desired outcome while preserving natural proportions and symmetry.


Side Effects:

  1. Swelling and Bruising: Swelling and bruising are common side effects of abdominal liposuction and Fat Transfer procedures and typically resolve within a few weeks after the procedure. Patients may experience mild discomfort or tenderness in the treated areas, which can be managed with pain medication and compression garments.
  2. Temporary Numbness: Temporary numbness or altered sensation in the treated areas is common after liposuction and Fat Transfer procedures. It usually resolves independently within a few weeks to months as the nerves regenerate.
  3. Scarring: Although incisions made during abdominal liposuction and Fat Transfer are small and discreet, some scarring may occur. However, scars typically fade over time and become less noticeable with proper wound care and scar management techniques.


Areas Treated:

  1. Upper Abdomen: Targets excess fat deposits in the upper abdominal region, including the area above the belly button.
  2. Lower Abdomen: Addresses stubborn fat deposits in the lower abdominal area, below the belly button, and above the pubic region.
  3. Flanks (Love Handles): Targets excess fat on the sides of the abdomen, commonly called “love handles.”
  4. Bra Roll: Addresses fat deposits and bulges that may accumulate around the bra line and under the arms.
  5. Other Body Areas: Fat Transfer can also be used to enhance volume in other body areas, such as the buttocks (Brazilian Butt Lift), breasts, or face, depending on the patient’s preferences and goals.